Home Forums Cool Tools & Tips Tips for Mindfulness

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    • Daniel Alonzo
      Post count: 26

      Hi Everyone,

      Working in our field can sometimes be stressful. We have a few suggestions to help you alleviate that stress.

      There is an interactive program in Netflix called Headspace – Unwind Your Mind. The program is only 15 min long and we highly recommend to try it out. Since the program is interactive, it introduces a different way of watching a show from Netflix.  There are also other programs from the same collection namely: Headspace – Guide to Meditation and Headspace – Guide to Sleep.

      If you want to get to know more about meditation and how it can positively affect your focus at work and personal lives, we highly recommend to listen to a podcast episode from Dr. Andrew Huberman. Please click this link to direct you to the podcast from Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/60Zs25mRMREm2HzTgYuq3X?si=Rsx_HDdyS1SboXyQuh46zQ . There are other topics covered by Dr. Huberman that spans from mindset, active performance, and over all health which can be found on his website here: https://hubermanlab.com/about/

      I hope everyone enjoys the content above.

    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 72

      Thanks Daniel – I tried the Netflix session and fell asleep!  Will have to try again;)  I’ve also added the Huberman podcasts to my queue and look forward to listening this weekend.  Look out Monday!  Appreciate you sharing this.  …Rich

    • cmcarthur
      Post count: 25

      thank you for sharing this Daniel, I checked it out and found it very helpful 🙂

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