Are you new to the Ontario College system and OCAPPA?
Here are two steps to help you take advantage of resources available to you through OCAPPA and to enhance collaboration among your peers:
Step 1: Register on this website and get on the OCAPPA Member List
This website is intended as the primary collaboration hub for OCAPPA. Getting on the OCAPPA Member List will give you access to the members only Discussion Board and List of Peers in other Ontario Colleges. You must be an employee working in facilities at an Ontario College to join OCAPPA.
Step 2: Sign up for access to Colleges Ontario BoardEffect Portal
BoardEffect is a secure repository of resources and information managed through Colleges Ontario. OCAPPA has been building a rich library of resources and documents in BoardEffect to assist members in their mandates, share best practices and to reduce rework.
To get a BoardEffect account for the College System portal:
- Ask your senior OCAPPA Administrator / Director to submit a request for Portal access to the OCAPPA Secretary
- Requires your name and email
- Make sure you request to be added to the “OCAPPA – Ontario College Association of Physical Plant Administrators” workroom in BoardEffect
- The OCAPPA Secretary will submit names to Colleges Ontario for account access.
- Once you receive your account id, login and change your password.
- Remember your login name and password!
- Watch the Demo Video and refer to the User Guide for help with using the portal.
Once you are have signed up for this website and BoardEffect:
- Simply remember as your launch point to connect with your facilities peers in other Colleges
- Sign in and explore the options under the “Collaborate” menu
- Visit the BoardEffect repository at Colleges Ontario for more resources