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    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 72

      Use this Topic to ask questions, suggest changes or discuss strategies for completing the OCFMA Benchmarking Report. Note that data templates are due Aug. 31!

    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 72
      How to retrieve Greenhouse Gas Data from Energy Star Portfolio Manager
      It seems we cannot re-retrieve the BPS Submission Reports from Portfolio Manager once they’ve been generated.
      If you cannot find a copy of your submission file, I’ve found a work-around and have attached a template that may help.​
      You’ll need to go into Energy Star Portfolio Manager and generate a report template (takes about 10-minutes) – this should help future submissions.
      Create Custom Report
      1. Log into your Energy Star Portfolio Manager
      2. Select Reporting tab
      3. Click Create a New Template
        1. Name Template= BPS Energy Report Ontario Colleges
        2. Timeframe = Current Year
        3. For = Energy
        4. Select Properties = All (or preferred subset)
        5. Select Metrics =
          1. Property Information
            1. Property Name
            2. Parent Property Name (default)
            3. Property GFA Self-Reported (m²) *ft2
            4. Primary Property Type-Self Selected
          • Property ID Numbers
            1. Portfolio Manager Property I.D
            2. Portfolio Manager Parent Property I.D (default)
          • Energy Performance Metrics
            1. Site Energy Use        Total (Location Based)*kBtu
          • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
            1. GHG Emissions (Metric Tons CO2e)
        1. Apply & Save Template
      4. You should return to ‘My Reports and Templates’
        1. Select Action: Generate new report
        2. After a few minutes the ‘Status’ will change from ‘Last Modified…’ to ‘Generated’ (you may need to refresh your browser window)
        3. Select Action: Download Report in Excel
      5. The attached template can help you convert 2 fields to the standard units of measure four our report.  I’ve included Fanshawe’s numbers for reference.  Feel free to overwrite and use for your Benchmarking Report data file.
      You must be logged in to view attached files.
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