Home Forums Cool Tools & Tips Mind Mapping – The Swiss Army Knife for Critical Thinking! Reply To: Mind Mapping – The Swiss Army Knife for Critical Thinking!

Phil Rouble
Post count: 22

On Feb. 8, 2024, I used Xmind to present an OCFMA Lunch-and-Learn webinar on “Implementing a Personal Productivity Toolkit”. I thought I would share the original Xmind file here for those who would might be interested in exploring a finished mind map used as a presentation tool. (The recording of the webinar is posted on the Past Presentations page.) I used the Xmind to build up the presentation sequentially:

  • I captured productivity ideas, research and links on a rough mind map
  • I organized my thoughts on a second mind map refinement tab
  • I polished the final presentation using a copy of this refined mind map

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

  • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Phil Rouble. Reason: (Shared link to Xmind file instead of uploading attachment)