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Daniel Alonzo
Post count: 26

Hi Nazanin,

We don’t have squat toilets at Humber College. However, I would recommend to connect with someone from ATS (Allied Technical Solutions). They are a very good resource for anything related to plumbing fixtures and their office is local (i.e. GTA). They are also used by a majority of the large consulting firms when selecting plumbing fixtures for their projects. Their contact information can be found here: https://www.atsspec.com/contact-us/

I also highly recommend creating your account and you will have access to their database and you can explore all the different types of plumbing fixtures available in North America and they also have references to the most recent plumbing codes. You can also create your own shop drawing or cut sheet set for plumbing fixtures.

I’ve used this for years, so if you need any help, please feel free to contact me at daniel.alonzo@humber.ca

I hope this helps.