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Daniel Alonzo
Post count: 26

At Humber College, we’ve re-utilized our own on-campus servers for saving our post-construction documents instead of saving them in the cloud. This means we are using the traditional windows explorer interface to save and access our as-built drawings, O&M manuals, and record files that are submitted by the contractor after project closeout. We’ve experienced many issues with saving very large files through the cloud and our IT department has advised us to use Humber owned servers for now until we find a more effective solution. This being said, our capital team has utilized both Humber owned servers and Microsoft OneDrive for on-going projects. Sharing files through OneDrive has proved to be an easy and effective way because you can control the individuals who have access to the folder. Plus sharing the folder is easy because you can share the folder link instead of sending files via email.

With the above being said, we use Archibus to re-create architectural floor plans. This also provides as an easy way to find and print floor layouts when needed.

I hope this helps.